dimarts, 4 de febrer del 2014

We give books- online books to watch

We recommend you to have a look at this wonderful website whereby you may have a look at different digital books for children in English. You will have to log in to be able to watch them.

Us recomanem que doneu un cop d'ull a aquesta web fantàstica en la que podreu veure llibres digitals per infants en anglès. Us haureu de donar d'alta en el web per podeu veure els llibres.


Family members

These last weeks we have been practising with our P4 students basic vocabulary related to the family members: mummy, daddy, brother, sister and baby. You may have a look at these two song videos (the Finger Family and the Tarzan finger family) which they have liked very much. In addition, you may also like to have a look at this story "Spot loves his Daddy". I hope you enjoy the songs and the story!

Aquestes últimes setmanes hem estat practicant amb els nostres alumnes de P4 el vocabulari bàsic relacionat amb la família: mummy, daddy, brother, sister, baby. Podeu veure aquests dos vídeos de cançons que hem estat practicant (the Finger Family i the Tarzan finger family) que els han agradat molt. I, a més, potser també voldreu donar un cop d'ull al conte "Spot loves his Daddy". Desitjo que gaudiu de les cançons i el conte!


