dijous, 16 d’abril del 2015


At P5 we celebrate Easter by searching for some chocolate eggs. The Easter Bunny hid that for us! But we were ready, because we had made our Easter Bunny Baskets!  


A P5 varem celebrar la Pasqua tot buscant ous de xocolata. El Conill de Pasqua els havia amagat per a nosaltres! Però ja estavem preparats, perquè havíem fet les nostres cistelles del Conill de Pasqua!


The boys and girls of the year four exposed the diferent Displays about ENERGY POWER PLANTS. All of them did it great!


Els nois i noies de 4t varen exposar les diferents presentacions sobre les PLANTES D'ENERGIA. Tots ho van fer genial!